free fun images pictures

Fun Stuff: Make Einstein Say It

This is a really cool idea — you can create your own quick picture of Albert Einstein teaching a class and writing something with chalk on a blackboard. You just type in your text, and pronto — the picture gets created — and it does look quite authentic — not authentic enough to stand witness but good enough to bring a few laughs!

Einstein Says So

To get your own Einstein picture, go to — they have several other image generators including one of George Bush and also Microsoft Clippy!

You can probably use these pictures in your next PowerPoint presentation?

animoto fun movies video

Animoto Holiday Cards

Animoto, an online video editor that I have mentioned in an earlier blog post is coming up with holiday cards that are actually video clips you customize within the Animoto interface.

The folks at Animoto do say that the personalized holiday cards won’t be ready until December 1st — but they wanted to provide a sneak preview of the holiday greeting cards that they will make available later next month.

Animoto Holiday Cards

They also have a cool movie on their site that tells more.

cartoon free fun

Free Cartoon for the Day from Andertoons

I have worked with Mark Anderson of Andertoons before — and he provided several free cartoons for the CD of one of my PowerPoint books: Special Edition Using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007.

Now Mark is providing one of his awesome cartoons absolutely free — only for today! Participants can use the cartoon in presentations, newsletters, websites, and anything else that could use a good laugh. The free cartoon will be offered for one day only with the only stipulation being that you not resell the image or profit from it. is one of the most popular cartoon websites online. Cartoonist Mark Anderson’s cartoons have appeared in publications including Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and Harvard Business Review to name just a few.

Get your free cartoon here…